Thursday, April 23, 2009

How many generations from Jesus to Abraham?

Matthew 1:17
So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations. (14 x 3 = 42)
Matthew 1:2-16
(Leaving out the begats.)
Jesus 1
Joseph 2
Jacob 3
Matthan 4
Eleazar 5
Eliud 6
Achim 7
Zadok 8
Azor 9
Eliakim 10
Abiud 11
Zarubbabel 12
Shealtiel 13
Jachoniah 14
Josiah 15
Amos 16
Manasseh 17
Hezekiah 18
Ahaz 19
Jotham 20
Uzziah 21
Joram 22
Jehoshaphat 23
Asaph 24
Abijah 25
Rehoboam 26
Solomon 27
David 28
Jesse 29
Obed 30
Boaz 31
Salmon 32
Nohshon 33
Amminadab 34
Aram 35
Hezron 36
Perez 37
Judah 38
Jacob 39
Isaac 40
Abraham 41

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